
Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

PandoLogic is aware of the sensitive nature of employment information and is committed to providing its users with high standards of online security and privacy protection. The following Privacy Statement presents our online data collection and usage policies and practices. This site is powered by a service and technology provided by PandoLogic, Inc. ("PandoLogic"), which powers TheJobNetwork, the largest integrated recruitment-advertising network in North America.

Collection and Use of Information

Registration on this site is voluntary, and is designed for the purpose of seeking employment in the United States. Upon registration the site collects your email address and other personal information (such as employment skills) in a "profile." The site collects personal and demographic information you choose to provide us. We also collect information about how you use our site and the areas of our site that you visit. In your profile, you are NOT required to include your name or contact information. Your email address is required, however, so that you may be contacted for employment opportunities, or in case we need to contact you regarding site changes or information about your account. When you apply for a position, however, you need to provide your name and full contact information; this information is shared only with the employer to whom you applied. However, if you maintain a resume as part of your profile, the information in this resume may be viewed by employers other than those to whom you have specifically applied. In order to provide you with the broadest exposure to potential employment opportunities, information you place in your profile may be shared with PandoLogic affiliated companies or within other sites powered by PandoLogic. Neither PandoLogic nor its affiliates distributes personal information for advertising purposes.

PandoLogic attempts to limit access to the searchable resume database only to potential employers, recruiters, hiring managers, headhunters, and human resource professionals. However, WE DO NOT AND CAN NOT guarantee that other parties (including parties disguised as employers) will not gain access to this database. Therefore, PandoLogic and TheJobNetwork hereby specifically exclude any responsibility and or liability related to the use made of resumes by third parties who access such resumes while they are in our searchable database.

You reserve the right to review, update, change or deactivate your account provided however that PandoLogic and TheJobNetwork will not be responsible for the retention, use or privacy of resumes or profiles in these situations nor liable in connection therewith. This site contains links to other websites over which we have no control or jurisdiction. In addition, when our site is accessed by means of a mobile application the mobile application market place may apply certain terms and conditions including with respect to information and privacy of users. PandoLogic and TheJobNetwork are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of other websites to which you choose to link from this website or of such application market providers. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those other websites and markets so you can understand how they collect, use and share your information.

Collection of Non-Personally Identifiable Information

PandoLogic and/or TheJobNetwork may use "cookies" on the site to maintain information about you. A cookie is a very small text document, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier. This site uses both "session" cookies and "persistent" cookies. A persistent cookie remains on your hard drive after you close your browser. Persistent cookies may be used by your browser on subsequent visits to the site. Persistent cookies can be removed by following your web browser's directions. A session cookie is temporary and disappears after you close your browser. When you visit this site, our computer may ask your computer for permission to employ the use of a session or persistent cookie. This site will then send a cookie to your browser if your browser's preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser only permits our site to access the cookies it has already sent to you and not the cookies sent to you by other websites. Most web browsers can be adjusted to inform you when a cookie has been sent to you and provide you with the opportunity to refuse that cookie. However, refusing a cookie may, in some cases, preclude you from using, or negatively impact the display or function of, the site or certain areas or features thereon. Our servers automatically collect data about your Internet Protocol address when you visit the site. When you enter pages on the site, the site's servers may log your IP Address and sometimes your domain name. The site's server may also record the referring page that linked you to us (e.g., another website or a search engine); the pages you visit on the site; the website you visit after this site; other information about the type of web browser, computer, platform, related software and settings you are using; any search terms you have entered on this site or a referral website; and other web usage activity and data logged by the site's servers.

When you use the service on this site, we may employ clear gifs (also known as web beacons) which are used to track the online usage patterns of our users anonymously. In addition, we may also use clear gifs in HTML-based emails sent to the users to track which emails are opened by recipients. The information is used to enable more accurate reporting, improve the effectiveness of our marketing and the services of TheJobNetwork.

Additionally, this site works with third parties, including advertising companies and website analysis firms, who use cookies to collect Non-Personally Identifiable Information ("Non-PII") when you visit our site and third party sites about your surfing activities. This Non-PII, collected through cookies, is typically used by these third party advertising networks to serve you with advertisements while on third party sites tailored to meet your preferences and likely interests. If you want to prevent a third-party advertiser from collecting data, currently you may either visit each ad network's web site individually to learn how you may block such cookies or visit the NAI site to learn how you may block all network advertising cookies. Click here for the NAI site.

Use of Information by PandoLogic and TheJobNetwork

PandoLogic and TheJobNetwork may use your information to contact you about new products or services offered by PandoLogic, TheJobNetwork or PandoLogic-affiliated sites. Any feedback that you provide may be used for marketing purposes or to improve our services. If you apply for a position on this site, you may be asked to provide information, such as answers to qualifying questions, or answers regarding your gender, race or other protected status where permitted by applicable law. PandoLogic or TheJobNetwork are not responsible for any information you choose to supply to third parties. You are encouraged to check and evaluate carefully and diligently every job ad to which you choose to apply and submit your information.

Disclosure of Information to Others

PandoLogic and TheJobNetwork share your information with third parties who help us in the delivery of our own products and services to you. These third parties may not use that information for any purpose other than assisting us in providing those products and services.

PandoLogic and TheJobNetwork may also present job advertisements from external affiliated recruitment advertising companies ("External Source") to enrich the content for all TheJobNetwork users. If you decide to apply to such external job advertisements, you acknowledge that subject to your consent (opting in by clicking the applicable box during the application process), PandoLogic will transfer all necessary information required by such External Source with respect to your candidacy to the respective job advertisement. If you do not wish us to transfer such information please refrain from opting in online. PandoLogic and/or TheJobNetwork are not responsible and shall not be held liable for any content provided on/by such External Sources and/or privacy practices or use of your information of/by such External Sources. We recommend that you visit the applicable sites/boards for information regarding such External Source's privacy practices.

Subject to your consent, we may use your information to contact you about other products or services available from our affiliates.

Subject to your consent, we may also share your information with third parties who may contact you about their products or services.

We also share information where legally required. Information collected on our Sites is stored in whole or in part in the United States, and may be subject to U.S. law. We may disclose and transfer information if our business is sold or acquired. We may disclose NON-PII (non-personally identifiable information) aggregate statistics regarding user behavior as a measure of interest in, and use of, our site and emails to third parties in the form of aggregate data, such as overall patterns or demographic reports, which do not describe or identify any individual user. Information relating to aggregate statistics may be collected through the use of third-party cookies and other third party tracking devices.

Google Analytics and Display Advertising

We have updated our Google Analytics tracking code to support Google Display Advertising through the Remarketing feature. This enables Google Analytics to collect data about your traffic via the DoubleClick cookie in addition to data collected through the standard Google Analytics implementation. Display Advertising lets us enable features in Analytics that aren't available through standard implementations.

The Remarketing feature allows third-party vendors, including Google, to show your ads on sites across the Internet. In this regard, We as well as third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on someone's past visits to your website.

You can opt-out of Google Analytics for Display Advertising and customize Google Display Network ads using the Ads Preferences Manager available here.

Age Limitation

TheJobNetwork Sites are not intended for users under 18 years of age. We do not intentionally gather personal information from children under 18.

Changes to Privacy Statement

PandoLogic and TheJobNetwork reserve the right to alter their Privacy Statement. If they do so, they will post the new privacy statement on this websites. If you have any questions regarding our privacy agreement please contact us at info@PandoLogic.com or support@PandoLogic.com